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Schedule 2023

STC 2023 Conference Agenda

Pre-Conference – Monday, June 19, 2023

Time Session/Event Location
1:00–5:30 PM Pre-Conference Golf Event Crowne Plaza Resort & Golf Club
3:00–5:00 PM Curling Tournament USA Rink
Anytime Kayak, Canoe, Paddle Boarding (ID required) Mirror Lake Boat Rental and Downstairs Boat Rental
4:00–6:30 PM Registration Open Edelweiss
7:00–9:00 PM Welcome Reception Roamers Cafe, Miracle Plaza, Olympic Center

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Conference Day #1 – Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Time Org Session/Event Location
6:30–9:00 AM Breakfast Lussi Ballroom
7:00 AM–4:00 PM Registration Open Edelweiss
8:00–10:00 AM
PD Opportunity | Succession Planning: A Roadmap to Maximizing and Sustaining SUNY’s Top IT Talent

Chet Warzynski, Mary Dolan (see PD Workshops for speaker bios)

The purpose of the workshop is to define and design an effective model for a succession planning system. This pilot will engage participants in a hands-on exercise for sharing experiences, identifying competencies, and developing a succession planning process for key IT positions. The outcome of the pilot will be an inventory of competencies, together with a set of templates for launching a succession management planning process for SUNY.

Intended Audience: This workshop is designed for IT operations professionals including managers and/or decision-makers.

8:00–10:00 AM
PD Opportunity | Succession Planning: Maximizing Your IT Bench Strength

MaryAnn Stark (see PD Workshops for speaker bio)

Chart your own course as you explore what’s next for you in your career. This workshop will help you create your own development plan to solidify your personal and professional goals. Examine the competencies you might need for advancement and map out those opportunities and experiences that will assist you in adding them to your portfolio. The session will also talk about how to build a professional mentoring network and the benefits of being connected and involved in your community.

Intended Audience: This workshop is designed for individual contributors, including both IT professionals with and without direct reports.

8:00–10:00 AM
PD Opportunity | FINISH: Plan, Execute, and Complete the Work

Matt Harrington (biography)

Weaving together theory, philosophy, stories of world-famous top formers with direct application and competency building, Matt Harrington teaches on the theory of FINISH and how:

  • Belief and attitude over final product matters
  • Passion and perseverance are the backbone to gritty finishes
  • Planning is an essential tool to FINISH
  • Focus and deep work play a key role in task completion
  • Courage, not competency, is the essential ingredient for finishing
  • Practice makes performance
  • Creating a culture of FINISHERS can transform an organization

Intended Audience: This workshop is designed for individual contributors, including both IT professionals with and without direct reports.

9:00–10:00 AM ITEC ITEC – Executive Board Meeting State Room
10:00–10:30 AM Morning Break Edelweiss
10:15–11:00 AM CCIO

SUNY CIOs only

SUNY Council of CIOs – Annual Meeting
Mary Hand, Adirondack Community College

This is the Annual Meeting of the SUNY Council of CIO’s.

North Elba
10:15–11:00 AM COA

SUNY employees only

COA Business Meeting
Dr. T. John McCune, SUNY Fredonia

Bringing SUNY Technology Professionals Together. The Computing Officer’s Association (COA) is comprised of technology professionals within the State University of New York. The representative areas include those who implement, support, and manage the technology systems on the 64 campuses as well as administrative and support organizations throughout SUNY.

COA’s purpose is to promote professional development and collaboration of all members. COA does this by facilitating the sharing of information between its members. COA also coordinates statewide as well as regional conferences and forums that provide information and training to the membership.

11:15 AM–12:00 PM TOA

SUNY employees only

TOA General Business Meeting
Mr. Brett Southard, Farmingdale State College

More than just phones… Communication and Collaboration Services, Wiring and Infrastructure, Networking, Cable TV, Emergency Notifications, Cell Services

Come join us for our Spring Business Meeting. Meet new peers at other SUNY Campuses, catch up with old friends and stay up to date on all things SUNY TOA (Telecommunications Officers Association). If you are involved with the above at your campus and are not a “member”, you are still welcome to attend, see what we are about and sign up at this meeting.

11:15 AM–12:00 PM EdTOA

SUNY employees only

EdTOA General Business Meeting
Ms. Kelly Larrivey, SUNY OCC

EdTOA will hold the annual General Business Meeting at STC. All members of SUNY are welcome to attend the General Business Meeting.

11:15 AM–12:00 PM CCIO

SUNY CIOs only

CCIO Community College Sector meeting (closed meeting. SUNY CIOs only)
Mr. Shady Azzam-Gomez, Suffolk County Community College

Community College sector meeting of the SUNY Council of CIOs
Closed meeting. Open only to SUNY CIOs

North Elba
11:15 AM–12:00 PM CCIO

SUNY employees only

Comprehensive and Technology Sector Meeting
Mr. Steve Maniscalco, SUNY Oneonta

CCIO Comprehensive and Technology Sector Meeting

12:15–1:15 PM Lunch Lussi Ballroom
1:15–1:30 PM STC 2023 Official Opening and Welcome Lussi Ballroom
1:30–2:00 PM Mike Eruzione – Keynote Lussi Ballroom
2:00–2:15 PM STC Announcements Lussi Ballroom
2:15–3:15 PM Mike Eruzione – Meet and Greet 1932 Jack Shea Arena
2:15–7:00 PM Technology Exhibition Open 1932 Jack Shea Arena
3:00–3:45 PM
Doing Less and Achieving More: Leveraging artificial intelligence to reduce paper work and focus more time to high value SUNY constituent experiences
Mary Strain, AWS

SUNY is the nation’s largest comprehensive university system, embodying the all complexity and promise of higher education. As SUNY seeks to innovate to meet new challenges and provide enhanced experiences for the SUNY community; leveraging the power of technology to augment capacity and enhance efficiency becomes a critical path forward. Artificial intelligence offers an exciting opportunity to automate manual administrative processes allowing staff to focus on high value constituent engagement and services. In particular, document heavy processes like admissions, financial aid, tenure and employment applications; managing invoices and payments; compliance; even managing inspections, parking permits and more, typically require thousands of person hours annually and can be fraught with costly errors.

In this session, AWS will share about how we are working with higher education institutions nationwide to create significant efficiencies for administrative tasks, allowing organizations to focus on higher value services and lower costs with artificial intelligence. Join us to discover how SUNY may indeed do less and achieve more.

Van Hoevenberg
3:00–3:45 PM
Dell Technologies APEX – Simple, Flexible & Consistent Cloud Experiences Delivered as-a-Service
Tony Manetta, Dell Technologies

Unlock the full promise of multicloud and unleash innovation with Dell Technologies APEX. APEX delivers delivers multicloud by design and bridges the divide between the agility of public cloud and the control of private cloud, creating a unified cloud experience that drives consistency across the IT enterprise.

Please join us for an overview of Dell Technologies APEX portfolio and explores ways that IT leaders can overcome the complexities of multicloud by default and unlock the full promise of multicloud by design.

3:00–3:45 PM
Experience-First Networking for Higher Education
Mike Newcomb, Juniper Networks

Experience is the first and most important requirement for networking in the cloud era. Diverse research, business, and philanthropic objectives in higher education require no-compromise networks. With Juniper AI-driven solutions, colleges and universities gain smart campuswide infrastructure that enables them to:

  • Deliver premium in-person, online, and hybrid education and research experiences
  • Succeed with diversity and equality initiatives
  • Improve the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff

At the same time, Juniper solutions simplify and modernize network operations for maximum efficiencies and reduced total cost of ownership (TCO).

3:00–3:45 PM
Do you know what’s on your network? Fundamental steps to securing your campus network and managing the increasing attack surface of connected devices. Case Study: How SUNY Plattsburgh achieved these steps and more with Armis.
Robert Morehead, Armis
Mr. Jim Lucas,
Kieran Burke,

Asset Visibility is foundational to effective Attack Surface Management. Organizational assets are everywhere, across any network and with diversified asset types like IT, IoT, OT & IoMT. Today’s organizations struggle to manage this extended attack surface, leaving unseen gaps in risk posture. Join us to learn how SUNY Plattsburgh was able to extend visibility into unmanaged and IoT to identify their extended attack surface and mitigate risk.

3:00–3:45 PM
Take Control of Your DataCenter and Spend More Time Doing What YOU Want To Do!!
Stephen Devir, Nutanix
Mr. Milind Samant, SUNY College at Old Westbury

Learn the ‘Why’ behind Nutanix’s Hyperconverged & Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and how Nutanix has taken this massively scalable web architecture to use in some of the largest companies in the world, and made it available for everyone! Whether your Data Center is all on premise, all in the cloud, or in both (hybrid), learn about the benefits of Nutanix and how SUNY College at Old Westbury is using this to streamline their Data Center and do more with less!

North Elba
3:00–3:45 PM
NG-911: Maximizing Technology to Ensure Campus & Student Safety
Mr. Maher Jamal Al-Dine, Avaya
Mr. Frank Mills, 911 Inform

Educational institutions must be positioned to quickly detect, manage, and respond to threatening situations – from active shooters to medical emergencies – all requiring the latest communication technology to alert employees and first responders. By incorporating interactive floor plans, Notification of Cellular based 9-1-1 calls, and integration with connected building solutions institutions can deliver a safe campus. Join us in this session to learn how you can enable first responders by:

  • Pinpointing location of an emergency call’s origin while simultaneously notifying local authorities.
  • Instantaneously accessing detailed maps and visuals of your premises, and instantly text key on-site personnel.
  • Instantly controlling the building’s security systems – including doors, lights, and security cameras.
4:00-4:45 PM
The Art of the Possible: Harnessing the Cloud to Address Higher Education’s Most Pressing Challenges
Jennifer Sparrow, AWS

Whether your institution is all in on cloud computing or just dipping your toes in the proverbial waters, advances in the technologies can help solve the most pressing challenges in higher education. In this session, you will hear how institutions like yours are working to strengthen student success activities, advance equitable access, create a frictionless student experience, provide students with a 21st-century digital experience, and turn data into wisdom. Additionally, participants will hear how AI/ML is being leveraged to increase access to library resources, empower researchers, and decrease the time to science.

You will leave this session with concrete ways to help your college and university stakeholders embrace the power of the cloud to creatively solve the challenges they’re facing today. Join us to discover how SUNY can leverage cloud technologies to address their most pressing challenges.

Van Hoevenberg
4:00-4:45 PM
Dell Technologies APEX Backup Services: 100% SaaS-based data protection model.
Tung Truong, Dell Technologies

As businesses adopt a cloud-first strategy, the limitations and complexities of traditional data protection become more apparent. This drives the need to develop a new data protection strategy that ensures the same level of protection for both on-premises and cloud workloads. When developing the strategy, it is important to consider that most SaaS providers do not offer comprehensive data protection solutions.

Please join us for an overview of Dell Technologies APEX Backup Services and learn how you can modernize the way to protect your data and campus against today’s threats.

4:00-4:45 PM
Arista Networks Cognitive Campus
Chris Bellmare, Arista

Arista’s Cognitive Campus is a new approach to networking that aims to simplify the complexities of campus networks by utilizing automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) technologies. The solution is designed to meet the growing demand for higher bandwidth, faster data transfer rates, and enhanced security in enterprise and education networks.

The Cognitive Campus solution is built on Arista’s Cognitive Cloud Networking architecture, which provides a platform for creating self-driving networks. The solution uses ML algorithms to learn from network traffic patterns, security threats, and user behavior, and to automatically adjust network configurations and policies to optimize performance and enhance security. It also includes automated provisioning and orchestration capabilities, which reduce the time and effort required to deploy and manage network infrastructure.

Arista’s Cognitive Campus solution includes a range of hardware and software components, including switches, routers, access points, and cloud-based management and analytics tools. The solution is designed to support a variety of use cases, including campus-wide network access, secure guest access, and IoT device management.

Overall, Arista’s Cognitive Campus solution provides a streamlined, automated approach to network management that enables organizations to focus on their core business objectives, rather than spending time and resources on managing their network infrastructure. By leveraging the power of AI and ML, the solution delivers enhanced network performance, improved security, and reduced operational costs, making it a compelling choice for organizations looking to modernize their campus networks.

4:00-4:45 PM
Securing Higher Education Amid an Evolving Threat Landscape
Mr. David Traill, Fortinet

The threat landscape continues to evolve producing more sophisticated attacks at a greater volume. This combined with an expanded attack surface has made securing digital assets more difficult than ever. Join us for a discussion on the latest threats and defensive recommendations to better prepare and protect your campus amid higher education’s unique challenges.

4:00-4:45 PM
Fabric Connect – A new way off Networking
Scott Kephart, Extreme Networks
Fabio Mazzulli, Extreme Networks

With today’s challenges, traditional networking simply… isn’t working. Do you feel like your current solution is holding you back? It’s about time that you learned all about the amazing capabilities of Extreme Fabric Connect!

Modern networks are more than just switches and firewalls. There’s got to be something more to make our life easier, right?

Of course, there is. Fabric Connect represents a new way to design, build and operate networks. One that delivers simplicity and agility while at the same time improving security and stability.

North Elba
4:00-4:45 PM
Higher Education Networks – what you don’t know CAN hurt you
Allen McNaughton, Infoblox

From IOT to faculty to students to networking devices, there is a lot of activity occurring on a higher education network. It is imperative to understand not only what and who is on the network, but where they may be going on the internet. In this session, we will discuss and recommend some helpful tools that will give you a clearer understanding not only what is connected to your network, but how to protect your environment in a non-invasive way.

5:00-7:00 PM Technology Appreciation Reception 1932 Jack Shea Arena
7:00-9:00 PM Conference Dinner Lussi Ballroom (Entire)
9:15-10:45 PM
Game Night at STC
Mr. Paul Chauvet, SUNY New Paltz

NEW EVENT – Building upon the popular online game night from vSTC, this year we will be offering an game night, mostly board games. Come and relax, have fun, and get to know your fellow SUNY folks in one of the quieter setting of the week. No experience necessary. The host will provide games, however feel welcome to bring your games and friends along as well.

Golden Arrow Resort, Four Seasons Ballroom

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Conference Day #2 – Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Time Org Session/Event Location
7:00-8:30 AM Breakfast Lussi Ballroom D
7:00 AM-4:00 PM Registration Open Edelweiss
8:00-8:45 AM AST

SUNY employees only

Digital Learning Environment Update
Mr. Harry Cargile, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Bill Grau, SICAS Center
Carrie Pause,

The Digital Learning Environment is more than a year into its two year implementation plan. This session will reflect on the technology behind some of the major components including Brightspace, SIS Integration, Global ID, and Authentication. Some current and potential future developments will be discussed while saving time for questions.

Van Hoevenberg
8:00-8:45 AM COA

SUNY employees only

Charting the Course: How to Use Strategic IT Planning to Ensure a Highly Successful IT Organization. The plan is only the first step in a living journey to Excellence.
Mr. Doug Kahn, Suffolk County Community College

Many IT shops go through planning exercises and publish a strategic plan. While this helps bring awareness to the direction that the College needs, often we forget to feed and care for the plan. Plans that do not mature in sync with the institution become stale. Like stale bread, they become unpalatable.

Strategic planning is a living, breathing process that can provide not only direction, but assure alignment with the institutional vision, mission and goals. Higher education is continually evolving, and IT must be a leader in making that transformation happen.

Simply look at the massive changes that IT had to support as the world went virtual during COVID. Were you ready? Did anyone ever think that such a thing could happen? This is an extreme example, but points to essential questions we must ask and answer in advance of realities:

  • Are you in sync with the needs of your students as they change?
  • Do you adapt to meet changing academics and student services?
  • Are you ready for a hack?
  • What do you do when budgets are challenged?
  • Do you have contingency plans?
  • Are you doing succession planning?

The reality is reactive organizations may succeed but have greater weaknesses and failures than those who get ahead of the curve and are prepared.

Make your IT organization so solid, your President and cabinet come to you for advice, for counsel, for excellence. Be great.

8:00-8:45 AM TOA

SUNY employees only

SUNY Unified Communications Update
Mr. Kevin Stillman, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Tishawn Smith, SUNY System Administration

An update on the Teams Calling initiatives on many SUNY campuses and the SUNY U-wide service behind it. Also an update on the other activities related to Zoom U-wide pricing and call center services.

8:00-8:45 AM EdTOA
Developing a Hyflex Classroom
Mr. Clifford Peters, Jefferson Community College
Mrs. Angel Lafountain, Jefferson Community College
Mr Ezra Hamilton, Jefferson Community College

The “HyFlex” or hybrid flexible course model combines elements of a hybrid learning course with a more flexible structure. This new instructional format gives students the option to attend class meetings in person, online, or a combination of both.

Jefferson Community College would like to share what we have developed as a HyFlex classroom.

  • What equipment used
  • How the equipment is used
  • Faculties perspective
  • Students perspective
8:00-8:45 AM

SUNY employees only

What am I? Myers Briggs Type Indicator / Professional Development
Mr. Steve Maniscalco, SUNY Oneonta

Do you often find yourself speaking before giving thought to what you were going to say, and then wondering why you continue to do that? Does the “big picture” excite you, but often lead to a feeling of being trapped by the details you overlooked? Are you a person who would be glad to get everybody organized, if only they’d let you?

If you have ever had any of these thoughts or other observations about your own idiosyncrasies and those of the people with whom you work, then the understanding of personality styles through the Myers Briggs Type Indication (MBTI) session is for you!

The MBTI identifies differing styles of perception, judgment, energy direction and lifestyle. This indicator simply identifies different kinds of people who like different things, are good at different things, and who often find it difficult to understand one another.

To make the most out of the session, participants will be asked to take this quick online assessment located here: prior to the session. They can either print off a copy or save a copy as we will use the results for some fun exploration about the value of you and those around you.

North Elba
8:00-8:45 AM

SUNY employees only

ITEC General Update – Team Building
Michael Notarius, ITEC

ITEC has been dedicated to building great teams for many years.

Building great teams involves several key elements. Firstly, clear communication and expectations are essential to ensure everyone is on the same page. Next, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration within the team is crucial to create a positive working environment. It’s also important to have a diverse range of skills and perspectives represented within the team. Additionally, providing opportunities for personal and professional development can help team members grow and feel valued. Finally, recognizing and celebrating successes, as well as learning from failures, can help keep the team motivated and focused on continuous improvement. With these elements in place, great teams can achieve amazing results.

We are always looking at continual improvement in all aspects of our organization. Come to this session where we will share our approach in building our teams. We will share our Team journey ad well as share how all the recent changes in the world have, are and will be affecting ITEC services. IT is ever evolving. In this session we will present what ITEC has been doing, is doing and will be doing to be best positioned to assist your campus in their IT journey. We will also be sharing thoughts on how we can “Do IT Better Together” while sharing some of ITEC’s inner most secrets…

9:00-9:45 AM AST

SUNY employees only

System Administration Update
Kim Scalzo, SUNY System Administration
Brian Digman, SUNY System Administration

SUNY is undergoing a significant digital transformation with new state investment focused on improving the student experience and addressing critical system-wide infrastructure. SUNY System Leadership is working with campus IT leaders to outline priorities and plans for specific initiatives that include unified communications, student services, and cybersecurity. This work will build on and enhance system-wide initiatives, like the SUNY Global ID. It is also intended to support campuses in aligning with the current priorities outlined by Chancellor King. At the same time the emergence of generative AI, increased calls for equity, and increased emphasis on non-credit learning are driving change in the digital teaching and learning environments throughout higher education. SUNY System leadership is also working with faculty and academic leaders to support innovative instruction throughout our ecosystem and to leverage the recent investment and transition to a new Digital Learning environment. Attend this session for an update on the plans and timeline for the Digital Transformation as well as some of academic innovation initiatives planned for the coming year.

Salons A, B, & C
9:45-10:15 AM Morning Break Edelweiss & Lookout Gallery
10:15-11:00 AM AST
IT Professional Development: Building Capacity for SUNY
Ms. Krista Lynch, SUNY Center For Professional Development
Ms. Lisa Raposo, SUNY Center For Professional Development

In this session, the SUNY CPD staff and instructors will examine the existing model of training and development to meet the demand of our SUNY Workforce.

Retaining agile and technically capable IT staff is dependent upon consistently promoting learning opportunities to “upskill” their knowledge, skills, and abilities. As one such opportunity, this session will update the participants on the SUNY CPD Technical Training Program and partnerships. We will also use a focus-group model to gather input on technical training and professional development for SUNY IT staff. In this session, we will talk about creating a professional development strategy and culture of organizational learning.

Van Hoevenberg
10:15-11:00 AM COA

SUNY employees only

You’ve had your penetration test – now what?
Mr. Paul Chauvet, SUNY New Paltz
Mr. Scott May, SUNY Delhi
Mrs. Patricia Krakow, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY
Christopher Collins, SUNY Upstate Medical University

This will be a panel discussion where people can talk about their school’s experiences with penetration tests, and share what was learned, and what changed in response.

This includes:

  • What surprising things did you learn from it that you can share with others?
  • What systemic changes have you made to address these issues?
  • How are you monitoring for compliance with these changes, so that you don’t have the same issues found (by criminals or in future penetration tests).
  • What challenges, if any, did you have in resolving some of the findings?
10:15-11:00 AM TOA
Making the Move – Migrating to SharePoint Online Sites
Mr. Michael Grosshandler, University at Albany
Mrs. Odette Fung, University at Albany

The University at Albany is exploring migrating from Confluence to SharePoint Online sites for our intranet Service Offering. This is a “birds of a feather” session for campuses in similar situations to share our approaches, best practices, and lessons learned.

Discussion Topics:

  • Why we’re looking to move
  • Use-cases
  • Migration process and experiences
  • Migration Tools
  • Templates
  • Gotchas
10:15-11:00 AM TOA
SUNY Print Initiative Pilot Campus Experience
Kali Zahn, Empire State College
Mr. Eric Grignon, Empire State College
Bryant Lawrence, Empire State College

SUNY Empire was part of SUNY’s pilot program implementing the SUNY/Toshiba managed print services contract. We replaced our entire Xerox fleet, which was mostly well past EOL. This is our experience through the project with Toshiba and Pharos and with Toshiba after the project.

North Elba
10:15-11:00 AM EdTOA
Overcoming Dysfunctional Teams
Mr. Christopher Taverna, SUNY Fredonia

Many of us have been a part of a dysfunctional team at some point in our careers. This session will look at the aspects of dysfunctional teams and explore methods for overcoming them.

10:15-11:00 AM

SUNY employees only

TDX Collaboration Birds of a Feather
Ms. Varya McCaslin-Doyle, SUNY College at Cortland
Mr. Eric Grignon, Empire State University
Ms. Aimee Swan, SUNY Cobleskill
Mr. Mark Crosby, SUNY College at Cortland

TDX Birds of a Feather: Breakout Topics Questionnaire

This session will be a forum for current and future TDX users to discuss challenges they are facing using or implementing TDX. We hope attendees will not only be able to receive advice but provide advice and connect with their colleagues.

The presentation will feature break out tables for specific TDX topics. For example: Ticketing, Service Catalog/Knowledge Base, iPaaS, and Project Management.

To help get the discussions started – attendees will be provided with a few suggested discussion prompts. Presenters will help facilitate discussions and connect attendees with each other.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM AST

SUNY employees only

Mr. Kevin Stillman, SUNY System Administration
Jon Easton, SUNY System Administration
Larry Parker, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Tishawn Smith, SUNY System Administration

General update on the services from the SUNY Security Operations Center program, including Cyber Risk Assessments, an update on common penetration test findings across the SUNY System to inform on effective cybersecurity practices, and how the SOC program is collaborating with other U-Wide IT service providers to help campuses close cybersecurity gaps.

Van Hoevenberg
11:15 AM-12:00 PM COA
Collaborative Data Governance
Mrs. Kristy Fitch, SUNY College of Technology at Delhi

Breaking down the silo’s and building an inclusive collaborative team is imperative to smooth administrative functions. With responsibility for system maintenance and generally as the gate keeper; Enterprise Systems has a key role in campus data governance however the cooperation from key function offices and good communication are vital to success. We’ll share some of our transformation, vision, and member structure; what we found to be the sweet spot for a meeting schedule and how we structure each meeting; and the role and responsibility of the committee.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM TOA
Procurement & Budget Process using Smartsheets
Mr. Zachary Jones, Binghamton University
Mrs. Meghan Dold, Binghamton University

Previously, we used Excel spreadsheets and emails to submit and track purchases in the Telecom dept. In the past year, we have purchased Smartsheets and created an electronic form and automated processes to alert managers of approval requests and the submitter that their request has been ordered.
We also created sheets to summarize project costs/purchases and budget sheets to track our annual spending. Using Smartsheets has increased our departmental purchasing visibility for a very minimal investment.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM EdTOA

SUNY employees only

Student Workers – Past, Present, and Future
Mr. Andrew Tucci, Binghamton University
Mr. Steven Crane, University at Buffalo
Mr. Clifford Peters, Jefferson Community College

Join us for a open discussion on using student employment for professional Audio-Visual service and support. A quick look at the history of student use. How are we leveraging student’s now? How do we think we’ll be using them in the future? What are the current trends for support models?

11:15 AM-12:00 PM
Campus IT Services & This ITEC Story
Mr. Thomas Pearson, ITEC
Mr. Fion MacCrea, ITEC

This ITEC Story is a podcast written, recorded, and produced by ITEC team members to tell stories of our experiences supporting the SUNY community. In this episode, we recount the first year of providing Campus IT Services at a community college. It explores the ups and downs of bringing teams together to meet day-to-day challenges SUNY faces. From rolling out new laptops to users, to retiring an old NETBIOS configuration, we’ll cover this story from day 1 to present (more than two years in!).

In addition to the Podcast, we will give an update on current and upcoming Campus IT Services engagements.

North Elba
11:15 AM-12:00 PM
TDX Collaboration Birds of a Feather Part 2
Ms. Varya McCaslin-Doyle, SUNY College at Cortland
Mr. Eric Grignon, Empire State University
Ms. Aimee Swan, SUNY Cobleskill
Mr. Mark Crosby, SUNY College at Cortland

This session will be a forum for current and future TDX users to discuss challenges they are facing using or implementing TDX. We hope attendees will not only be able to receive advice but provide advice and connect with their colleagues.

The presentation will feature break out tables for specific TDX topics. For example: Ticketing, Service Catalog/Knowledge Base, iPaaS, and Project Management.

To help get the discussions started – attendees will be provided with a few suggested discussion prompts. Presenters will help facilitate discussions and connect attendees with each other.

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Lussi Ballroom D
1:00-4:00 PM Technology Exhibition Open 1932 Jack Shea Arena
1:00-1:45 PM AST

SUNY employees only

What’s new at SICAS since the last time?
Mr. Bill Grau, SICAS Center

Bill Grau will provide an update on the SICAS Center, including information learned at Ellucian Live.

Van Hoevenberg
1:00-1:45 PM COA

SUNY employees only

Implementing MDR/XDR
Mr. Scott May, SUNY Delhi

This session will discuss Delhi’s journey in implementation of an XDR system (Trend Micro Vision One), the lessons learned, automation decisions, how much access given to 24/7/365 vendor for intervention and general challenges as well as overall satisfaction. Discussion on the increased visibility into the overall organizational security posture and how that’s been rolled into improving security.

1:00-1:45 PM TOA
Meeting New Elevator Communications Code Requirements
Lesley Bidwell, SUNY Oneonta
Zach Jones, Binghamton University
Curt Underwood, SUNY Oneonta

Hear from campuses that are installing elevator communications systems to support two-way text and video to meet updated code requirements. Learn what they chose and why, who’s responsible for ongoing maintenance, and how they wrangled all the departments involved.

1:00-1:45 PM EdTOA
The No Name, No Budget, No Knowledge approach to ESports
Keith Edwards, Onondaga Community College

A candid look at the world of Esports through the eyes of someone who was tasked with starting a program to drive enrollment, because he was a techie and a gamer.

OCC’s ambitious plans for an esports team took shape, albeit rather quickly, to help bring students back to campus. We will take a look at the mistakes we made, the gambles we took, the equipment we have utilized, and the slim file of everything we did right to build a program that is enjoying critical success on a campus that has been lacking it.

1:00-1:45 PM
License-free backup and recovery: Protecting scattered data with on-prem and cloud solutions
Travie Lytle, Synology

In a world where organizational data is increasingly scattered across a mixture of on-prem systems and cloud services, it’s important to implement a centralized (and hopefully hassle free) disaster recovery plan for ransomware attacks, hardware failures, and human errors.
In this session, we’ll examine how the technology teams at several schools upgraded their backup systems to protect on-prem systems and data residing in cloud services like Microsoft 365/Google Workspace — while saving maintenance time and decreasing software licensing costs
This presentation will also include live demonstrations of how recover lost data and systems using the license-free backup and recovery suite from Synology.

North Elba
1:00-1:45 PM
Peer Panel Discussion: Conquering the Extreme Challenges of Cybersecurity in Higher Education.
Jeremy Fass, Forsyte IT Solutions
Mike Barbato, Microsoft

In this SUNY IT peer-led, interactive session, we will discuss and expose the challenges facing SUNY colleges and universities and how your peers are creating a more secure infrastructure in partnership with Forsyte IT Solutions and Microsoft. Attend and participate in this open panel discussion to learn how local SUNY campus IT leaders are rising to the challenges surrounding the current state of cybersecurity using Microsoft technology and Forsyte managed services. We’ll discuss topics such as securing identity, devices, and infrastructure while battling staffing shortages and limited budgets through this open panel Q & A.

2:00-2:45 PM AST
Implementing a Data Strategy for SUNY
Ms. Bridget Almas, SUNY System Administration

The overarching goal of the SUNY Data Strategy is to make better use of SUNY data to operate more efficiently, meet the needs of society, community and industry, and act with strategic agility to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

There are many different aspects to this work, including, but not limited to, data governance, access, literacy, reporting, and analytics, with various stakeholders and perspectives.

In this presentation I’ll share some of the details of how we are proceeding to implement a data strategy incrementally at SUNY System Administration, focusing on specific areas of opportunity, while advocating for resources and prioritization of data as a strategic asset.

This will be followed by an open discussion of the challenges and opportunities for the strategic use of data within and across SUNY.

Van Hoevenberg
2:00-2:45 PM COA

SUNY employees only

Improving Results with IT Service Management
Mr. Doug Kahn, Suffolk County Community College
Ms. Krystal Perlman, SUNY Brockport

Join your SUNY peers in a panel and birds of a feather discussion of how ITSM and ITIL help IT organizations step up their game in customer service. The session will feature a panel of peers who have implemented ITSM platforms such as TeamDynamix, Service Now and other systems to facilitate this important function. Each member will give a brief presentation on the why and how their campus moved forward, noting where things went well, and lessons learned. The majority of the time will be devoted to open Q&A with the panel and discussion among those in the room.

This session is open to all SUNY colleagues at the event, regardless of membership in COA, EdTOA, TOA or CCIO.

2:00-2:45 PM TOA
True Confessions of a Network Ninja (What we had to do to make it work)
John Kaftan, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
James Sahm, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Facebook in the forest takes some creativity. Come hear our true confessions of how we got Internet and phones to our remote ADK campuses, as well how we manage our main campus. Not for the weak of network heart.

2:00-2:45 PM EdTOA

SUNY employees only

CHARTED EdTOA Coffee Hour Roundtable
Ms. Kelly Larrivey, SUNY OCC

CHARTED Meeting – Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

This is an inside look at how the monthly CHARTED Meetings run. CHARTED stands for Coffee Hour A Round Table EdTOA Discussion. It means this is a free flowing conversation, just like you would have around the coffee maker (water cooler). In June we run this as an in person gathering at STC. Typically this meeting happens on zoom at , at 12:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month (except June).

We will discuss CHARTED and any other topic that is going on at this time, or in the near future on your campus. So bring your drink of choice, and tell us something good that is happening on your campus. Ask any questions to see how others are dealing with certain situations on their campuses. You will see and hear that many of us are going through the same issues on our campuses, so birds of a feather really do flock together.

2:00-2:45 PM
Ellucian Experience Platform
Daragh Scaife, Ellucian

To meet the ever-changing needs of higher education, Ellucian has launched the Experience Platform. This SaaS-forward, extensible, and modern solution is transforming Ellucian’s product portfolio into a lightweight, SaaS-native collection. As Ellucian’s “innovation engine,” the Experience Platform delivers entirely new value to customers and is fueling SaaS transformations across higher education.

During this session, Ellucian experts Daragh Scaife discuss the Experience Platform and the benefits it will bring to your institution

North Elba
2:00-2:45 PM
Implementing Zero Trust in Higher Education
Hunter Ely, Palo Alto Networks

The buzz around Zero Trust is amplifying across the higher education community as institutions look to fortify their cyber defenses against threats like ransomware, and adopt processes to meet the security challenges of remote work. The major issue is that there are too many pitches that claim to “solve” your Zero trust needs. This is just not true. ZTA is a framework and requires focus and strategy for successful implementation. Your institution may be among those wondering how to make Zero Trust actionable, and how doing so can help you meet the data protection and security priorities outlined by EDUCAUSE in its 2022 Top 10 IT Issues list.

Join Palo Alto Networks for a discussion around removing the fear, uncertainty, and doubt around zero trust that includes real-world examples and tactics for ACTUALLY reducing risk and improving security outcomes.

3:00-4:00 PM Afternoon Break 1932 Jack Shea Arena
4:00-4:45 PM AST

SUNY employees only

SUNY System-wide Technology Contract Update
Mr. Glenn Massey, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Corey Vein, SUNY System Administration
Michael Notarius, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Bill Grau, SUNY System Administration
Ms. Krista Lynch, SUNY System Administration
Kim Scalzo, SUNY System Administration

Overview of current System-wide contracts and initiatives from the Office of System-wide Procurement, Academic Technology Information Services (ATIS), Center for Professional Development, Information Technology Exchange Center (ITEC), and Student Information and Campus Administrative Systems (SICAS).

Van Hoevenberg
4:00-4:45 PM COA

SUNY employees only

M365 Collaboration Group Birds of a Feather
Shawn Maher, SUNY Brockport
Ms. Krystal Perlman, SUNY Brockport

Join us in person for the STC Edition of our M365 Collaboration Group where we talk all things M365 and MS Azure.

4:00-4:45 PM TOA
Out With the Old, In With the New
Mrs. Odette Fung, University at Albany

As technology shifts from analog to IP, on premise to cloud, there may still be legacy communications technology throughout our campuses. This is an open forum for all campuses to talk about legacy technology (e.g. analog phones, faxes, etc.) and learn what they’ve transitioned to, talk about where their new paths will lead and the benefits that may result.

4:00-4:45 PM EdTOA
Technology Event Support on Campus. An open discussion
Ms. Alyssa McGovern, SUNY Plattsburgh
Mr. Tim Moes, SUNY Cortland
Mr Bill Schultze, Alfred State College

Are you doing it?
Are the requests increasing for In Person Events? Virtual Events?
Do you have an ‘event support’ office at your campus?
Who’s it report under? Is it busy?
Is there dedicated support staff?
What are we doing right?
What could be done better?

4:00-4:45 PM
RACI : Not Just for Project Management
Mrs. Shannon Radford, Corning Community College
Mr. Thomas Pearson, ITEC

Use RACI not just for project management but also duty seperation with in a small department or for outlining duties with campus wide software.

North Elba
4:00-4:45 PM

SUNY employees only

ITEC Security Update and Security Response Service
Mr. Travis Kench, ITEC
Mr. Bill Kramp, ITEC

Provide an update of the internal and Banner related security initiatives for ITEC, as well as the external ITEC Security Services that can help prevent or detect a cyber incident. ITEC and several campuses are using CrowdStrike as a Managed endpoint Detection & Response (MDR) solution to meet the NYS, SUNY and cyber-insurance requirements. ITEC is also moving to Cloudflare for provisioning Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) for ITEC staff and Banner administrative access.

As part of the ITEC security update we will share more information on our security services to be layered on top of what the SUNY SOC offers and provide some real world examples of recent engagements.

5:30-10:00 PM Conference Event Mt. Van Hoevenberg

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Conference Day #3 – Thursday, June 22, 2023

Time Org Session/Event Location
7:00-8:30 AM Breakfast Lussi Ballroom D
7:30-10:00 AM Registration Open Edelweiss
8:00-8:45 AM AST

SUNY employees only

Mr. Kevin Stillman, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Ken Runyon, SUNY System Administration
Mr Richard Borden, SUNY System Administration

Update on the SUNY cybersecurity landscape from the SUNY CISO Office. Topics to include the New York State cybersecurity 8 controls, cyber compliance around research, campus affiliate controls, and the overarching plans from SUNY leadership around strengthening SUNY’s Cybersecurity posture.

Van Hoevenberg
8:00-8:45 AM Intervale
Notable Women in Technology: Leaders and Innovators You Should Know!
Mx Holly Heller-Ross, SUNY Plattsburgh
Mrs. Maria Garrity, SUNY Buffalo State
Lucy Walker, SUNY New Paltz

Interactive slideshow of woman-identifying innovators and leaders from legendary heroes to people currently active in the IT field. The speakers will highlight the presence and contributions of women, including some SUNY leaders past and present. This session will also include graphs and statistics showing how the IT woman-identifying workforce has shifted over the years. After the presentation portion, participants will be invited to discuss these leaders and bring up others that we should know and include in future showcases of talent. This session is advancing the vision of the SUNY Women in Technology program, SUNY WIT (
Vendors are welcome.

8:00-8:45 AM TOA

SUNY employees only

Building a Project Management Culture
Ms. Varya McCaslin-Doyle, SUNY College at Cortland
Mr. Joshua Peluso, SUNY College at Cortland

This presentation will give an overview of how a culture of project management was formed and maintained in the Information Systems and Security department at SUNY Cortland. We will talk about the various tools and methodologies we have pulled from to not just develop our project management but continuously improve. This presentation will cover how to get started with project management and, more importantly, how to keep going. Other discussion topics will include psychological safety when working on projects, how projects interact with your service catalog and change management procedures, and how to begin building your project program(s) and portfolio(s). We will share what our planned next steps for development are and how we plan to achieve them.

This session is for individuals:

  • Who are looking to build a project management culture within their department
  • Who are struggling getting their department to get on the same page in terms of project management
  • Who aren’t sure where to get started with project management implementation
8:00-8:45 AM COA
Expanding TeamDynamix ticketing system, beyond IT.
Mr. Daniel Timperio, SUNY New Paltz

This presentation will take a quick look at the challenges and decisions related to rolling out TeamDynamix to multiple groups within IT and other departments. We will look at the different levels of product usage and pros and cons of each feature. We will review questions such as:

  • Will they need a separate ticket instance or just need their own forms and groups on IT’s instance?
  • Will they require their own section in the Service Catalog, a separate homepage, or even their own portal?
  • Who will manage their “stuff” (forms, licence assignments, reports, desktops, groups, templates…)?
  • Who will initially train them and will they assume that role for all new users?

Finally, we review the steps involved with getting a department moved onto TeamDynamix, from analyzing their process and procedures to going live.

8:00-8:45 AM

SUNY employees only

SUNY Online Update and Support Services. Supporting the DLE and transition from Blackboard to Brightspace, a journey like no other…
Mr. Matt Casalinuovo, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Mike Walker, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Dan Feinberg, SUNY System Administration

This presentation will include a brief SUNY Online update as well as presentation about supporting the DLE and Brightspace.

The main question, what does it take to support SUNY’s transition from Blackboard to Brightspace? The short answer, a lot.

During this session we will go over the support strategy that the SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk and Application Services (DLE Admins) are using to support the efforts in transition and from Blackboard and other Learning Management Systems to Brightspace, as well as continued support going into the future.

9:00-9:45 AM AST

SUNY employees only

Anatomy of a Cyber Incident
Mr. Ken Runyon, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Richard Borden, SUNY System Administration

This presentation will discuss the lifecycle of a cyber-attack based on deidentified real world SUNY examples. The goal is to highlight and discuss attack and response commonalities at a high level backed by specific examples. This will be an interactive session whose goal is to share experiences from not only the presenters but also from SUNY Campuses.

Van Hoevenberg
9:00-9:45 AM COA
Hardware Data Destruction – Are you doing I.T.?
Mr. David Kahn, SUNY Oswego

In today’s technology-driven world, data breaches and cyberattacks are becoming more common, and proper data destruction is a critical aspect of data security.

This Birds of a Feather Presentation aims to explore the importance of securely erasing data from hardware devices before disposing of them, including what happens to the hardware when it is shipped off to the recycle companies, as well as learn what other schools may be doing to dispose of hardware that may have sensitive data on it.

Some points of discussion will be the legal and ethical implications of improper data destruction and the potential consequences for businesses and individuals. The various methods of hardware data destruction, such as physical destruction, degaussing, and data wiping.

Come to this presentations with your questions and share how your campus is tackle this!

9:00-9:45 AM TOA
Attracting and Retaining Great Staff in a Challenging Environment Roundtable
Lesley Bidwell, SUNY Oneonta

Competition for IT professionals is fierce and many of us are struggling to fill vacancies on campus. We all know the disadvantages we face when compared with private companies but what are our advantages? How have you leveraged them to attract applicants? Join TOA for a roundtable discussion – Bring your ideas, successes, and even failures so we can learn from each other.

9:00-9:45 AM EdTOA
Reach Out and Fix Something: Remote Support Technology
Mr. Christopher Weber, Buffalo State University

Useful tools and diagnostics for remote AV support. Basic network-powered commands, Extron and Crestron utilities, API requests, as well as Extron GlobalViewer and Crestron Fusion dashboards will be covered. Some specific Crestron Fusion customizations will also be showcased.

9:00-9:45 AM
To Be or Not to Be a CIO
Ms. Eileen Wirley, Monroe Community College
Mary Hand, Adirondack Community College

This will be a panel discussion. SUNY CIO’s will share their perspectives on becoming and being a CIO. For those who may aspire, and for those who may not but SHOULD!

Bring your questions.

North Elba
9:45-10:15 AM Morning Break Edelweiss & Lookout Gallery
10:15-11:00 AM AST

SUNY employees only

ITEC Services and Technology Update
Joseph Hoot, ITEC
Don Erwin, ITEC

Would you like to better understand who ITEC is?, why we exist?, who we support?, what types of services we offer?, or what we’ve been working on over the last few years to consolidate and reduce infrastructure, gain cost and resource efficiencies, and increase SUNY’s security posture? Come to this session for a brief review of our history, insight into recent areas of growth and maturity, as well as short-term and longer-term roadmap direction.

Van Hoevenberg
10:15-11:00 AM TOA

SUNY employees only

From 0 to 100 with Team Dynamix: Implementation in 2 months or less!
Mr. Mark Crosby, SUNY Cobleskill

ITSM (IT Service Management) is ever changing. With more features and integrations, implementation of new ITSM products takes month. As an educational institution, it is hard to take months to implement productions when there is a need for it now. In the case of SUNY Cobleskill, the current ITSM has reached end of life at the closing of the fall semester. With only a month break, ITS had to have a working product quickly. This presentation will cover how ITS implemented the Team Dynamix (TDX) ITSM product within this timeframe. It will also cover how TDX is serving the campus now, and where ITS plans to take this product in the future.

10:15-11:00 AM COA
Project and Portfolio Management Office: Birds of a Feather
Mr. Brian Guy, University at Buffalo

This session will be an open forum to discuss how schools have implemented Project and/or Portfolio Management Offices, project governance processes, and other related activities.

The intent is to share information on what has worked and not worked within campuses across the system so that these ideas can be leveraged by other institutions.

10:15-11:00 AM
GLBA Compliance – Monroe’s approach
Ms. Eileen Wirley, Monroe Community College

Eileen will share the process Monroe is using to achieve compliance with the Safeguards Rule of the GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), including the recent amendment which is effective this month (June 2023).

North Elba
10:15-11:00 AM
Miracle at SICAS? How we are building and transforming our teams.
Mr. Bill Grau, SICAS Center
Mrs. Dawn Bookhout, SICAS Center
Mrs. Aimee Swan, SICAS Center

SICAS has been transforming our team and how we work since September 2022. We are working at breaking down silos and building a more collaborative team that is more efficient and effective. The goal is to increase productivity as well as job satisfaction.

During this session we will talk about where we were, were we are and were we hope to be. We will also talk about our approach to this process.

10:15-11:00 AM

SUNY employees only

Cyber Risk & the New York State 8 Controls
Mr. Kevin Stillman, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Richard Borden, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Ken Runyon, SUNY System Administration
Mr. Tishawn Smith, SUNY System Administration

An update on SUNY Cyber risk assessment practices and how they align to help SUNY come in compliance with the New York State 8 Control families. Discussion to include campus compliance planning, 3rd party & affiliate assessments, and potential support from the Digital Transformation initiative.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM AST
How To Implement User-Focused Self-Service Resources
AJ Davidson, SUNY System Administration

Self-service resources have many advantages over alternative methods of user support. They address multiple learning modalities at once, have lower implementation costs than the alternatives, are more readily accessible to end users than the alternatives, and scale easily (and, as additional money becomes available, existing self-service resources can be repurposed as the back end of advanced technology, such as chatbots).

As opposed to traditional self-service resources, user-focused self-service resources focus on the user experience across a timeline of all of the user’s interactions with the college. User-focused resources answer the questions that users ask, rather than solving the problems that tech support wants to solve. A user-focused student resource follows a student from receiving an acceptance letter through graduation and becoming an alum, and a user-focused faculty resource follows a professor from receiving an appointment letter through retirement.

In this presentation, I will discuss how to design and implement user-focused self-service resources. I will explain how to identify a platform your campus can use at minimal cost, how to publish, review, and update content on an ongoing basis, and how to educate end users about available self-service resources.

I will also discuss what self-service resources are already provided by other SUNY institutions, such as SUNY System Administration, and vendors, so you can avoid duplicating existing resources.

Throughout the presentation, I will discuss SUNY Online’s implementation of self-service resources.

Van Hoevenberg
11:15 AM-12:00 PM COA
Roundtable discussion on Windows 11 upgrade strategies and options for unsupported hardware
Mr. Michael Lumb, SUNY Plattsburgh

I would like this presentation to be a roundtable discussion with other campuses to discuss their plans and strategies for upgrading their campus to Windows 11. How are they dealing with Windows 11 hardware requirements? I will also discuss the decisions we have made so far at SUNY Plattsburgh in regards to Windows 11. Along with this discussion I would like to discuss what campuses plan to do with their hardware that does not meet Windows 11 requirements along with some of the plans we have come up with so far. Alternative OS’s, recycling, state level donations, what options are out there that people have used?

11:15 AM-12:00 PM TOA
ARIN New Legacy Agreement – Is now the time to sign?
Mr. Brett Southard, Farmingdale State College
Mr. Kevin Stillman, SUNY System Administration

ARIN RSA (Registration Services Agreement) is a legal agreement between the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and an organization that wishes to receive IP addresses and Autonomous System (AS) numbers from ARIN. The RSA outlines the terms and conditions under which ARIN provides these resources to the organization, including how the resources can be used and managed.

The Legacy Addendum is an optional addendum to the ARIN RSA that is available to organizations that received IP address allocations prior to the establishment of ARIN in 1997. This addendum provides these organizations with the opportunity to voluntarily sign the RSA and thereby gain access to the benefits of membership in ARIN.

The Legacy Addendum also allows these organizations to continue using their pre-existing IP address allocations under the terms of the addendum, which may differ from the terms of the RSA. However, organizations that do not sign the Legacy Addendum and do not enter into an RSA with ARIN may be subject to increased scrutiny and potential reclamation of their IP address allocations.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM COA
Using Honeypots and honeytokens as network decoys for intrusion detection
Mr. Harold Leroux, SUNY Canton
Mr. Zach Erlichman, SUNY Canton

This presentation will describe the setup and use of honeytokens and honeypots deployed to networks segments for alerting of possible compromised hosts on the internal network. The demonstration and discussion will describe the various open source and configuration setups used to alert and hunt down internal threats and malicious activity on the network.

11:15 AM-12:00 PM
Prioritizing Campus Technology Needs in Emerging Innovations: Input on OLI Torus
Mr. Tony DeFranco, SUNY OER Services
Norman Bier, SUNY OER Services

The open-source Torus project is the next-generation adaptive learning platform provided by SUNY partner Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative (OLI). Torus is the latest iteration of the OLI platform, and is designed to develop, deliver, and improve courseware. The effort builds upon OLI’s historic successes in leveraging learning science to create courseware that demonstrably enacts learning and improves outcomes while providing a testbed for ongoing research. Launched in 2020 and provided as a no-cost development platform for SUNY campuses, Torus is designed to address lessons learned from two decades of OLI efforts around issues of cost, effectiveness, ease-of-development, and community engagement. Torus was launched as an open effort to invite a broader community and has quickly drawn participation from a variety of key industry and post-secondary partners, especially SUNY OER Services. Torus incorporates a variety of lessons around pedagogy and research but has also been informed by the need to integrate the platform into existing educational technology systems. Two decades of use across a range of institutions has informed Torus requirements, particularly campus computing services needs for platforms that are transparently and easily integrated, secure, and well-supported.

This discussion will provide an overview of Torus and its use at SUNY, reflecting on progress, previewing plans, and highlighting specific elements designed to better support campus technology efforts. The session will prioritize feedback and discussion on ways that Torus and other platforms can best address the needs of campus technology professions.

Additional information for interested participants

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch to Stay or Go Edelweiss

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